Core Facility Flow Cytometry BMC

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Cell Sorters

We host 4 high-speed cell sorters

  1. BD FACSAriaFusion (No1) with 5 lasers (355, 405, 488, 561, 640nm) 
    - UV-laser, for sort of side-populations, or use of brilliant-UV dyes 
  2. BD FACSAriaFusion (No2) with 4 lasers (405, 488, 561, 640nm)
    - biosafety cabinet, ensuring operator safety and sample protection, allows for sorting of BioII/GenTV2 material
      (BioII/GenTVS2 only as service operation after registration of the material through PPMS)
  3. BD FACSAriaIIIu with 4 lasers (405, 488, 561, 633nm)
    This instrument originally belongs to Institute for Immunology, so there are reduced usage fees for IFI members.  
  4. BD FACSAriaII with 5 lasers (355, 405, 488, 561, 640nm)
    - UV-laser, for sort of side-populations, or high-sensitivity separation of DNA dyes
    This instrument is only operated by Core Facility staff. 

See end of this page for our default filter configurations; other short-term configuration such as for discrimination of YFP/GFP, or for buv-dyes (Fusion No1), are possible.

All our sorters are routinely maintained for a 'normal' sterility grade, suitable for standard cell culture methods. Upon request, aseptic conditions can be created at the Fusion No2, which will make antibiotic-free culture of the sorted cells possible (1h service charge).

All our sorters are equipped with 70um, 85um, 100um and 130um Nozzle Configurations. 



In addition, we provide access to an autoMACS® Pro Separator. This allows walk-away cell isolation with automated bead-labeling (facultative) and separation for reproducible, user-independent results. Up to 6 samples can be processed in one run.
The autoMACS® Pro Separator is compatible with more than 350 MACS Cell Separation Reagents for an easy and fast isolation of virtually any cell type from any species. The unique features of MACS MicroBead Technology qualify the autoMACS® Pro Separator as an alternative or complement (direct or indirect enrichment of target population) to flow cytometric cell sorting.
Aiming at a high throuphput, we can provide the use of our autoMACS® Pro Separator at usage fees below the costs of manual cell separation. 
