Core Facility Flow Cytometry BMC

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Safety Measures - Corona

safety measures at the Core Facility Flow Cytometry


Dear users of the Flow Cytometry Core Facility,

the current situation forces the CFFlowCyt to reduce its operations to a necessary minimum.
This means:

· Trainings are suspended until further notice.

· Service sorts are only possible if the samples are handed over (drop-off) for processing and later collected – no discussion of gating etc. at the instrument.

· Autonomous users

  1. should limit their analyses/sorts to the absolutely essential.
  2. have to avoid parallel use of more than two instruments per room at a given time.
  3. have to wear gloves at all times – also when touching the PC, keyboard, mouse. Use different sets of gloves for samples and computer equipment! Dispose of gloves in the blue bins!
  4. need to wash hands when entering and when leaving the facility.

· S2-sorts are suspended until further notice.

All the best from your Core Facility Team,
Lisa Richter