Core Facility Flow Cytometry BMC

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Advanced FlowJo Seminar - Updates on Plugins and Diva Integration

December 20th, 2019 at BMC


I would like to invite all users of the Core Facility to an advanced user seminar on 
‘FlowJo Updates on Plugins and Diva Integration - possibilities and pitfalls’
at BMC, on December 20th, 2019 - 10am (room to be announced)

It will cover amongst others:

  • updates on data quality plugins in FlowJo
  • updates on dimensionality reduction plugins in FlowJo
  • updates on population identifiaction plugins in FlowJo
  • possibilities for Diva and FlowJo crosstalks (particularly useful for sorting)
  • updates on IndexSort Analysis (and its bugs)

Please sign up for the course by sending an email to

With best regards,
