Core Facility Flow Cytometry BMC

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Advanced Application Seminar with BD, 2020

on January 8th, 2020 starting from 10am in seminar room N 01.011


The Core Facility Flow Cytometry at BMC, together with the Flow Cytometry Facility at Gene Center,
host an Advanced Application Seminar by BD Life Sciences,
on January 8th 2020 (in seminar room N 01.011). 

The program offers advanced theoretical modules covering Multi-Parameter Panel Design and Advanced Considerations for Sorting; as well as a Meet-the-Expert Q&A Session with High-end Sorter Application Specialist Dr. Ali Gawanbacht (this part is dedicated to Sorter-users).

The detailed program can be downloaded below.

Registration is free of charge! and includes lunch snacks and drinks  
Please send your registration to:
